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Mandate of the Research and Publication Office


Series of 2009


SUBJECT:   Redefining the Mandate of the Research and Planning Office


     Pursuant to the mission of Liceo de Cagayan University to deliver quality education, radical advances in the structural arrangement of offices have to be redefined to strengthen the governance and management of the trifocal function of the University.


Specifically the following changes shall be instituted: 


A. Renaming and Creating of Offices

     1. The Research and Planning Office is hereby named Research and Publication Office (RPO). 

     2. The planning function and the institutional research inherent to planning and development are transferred to

          the newly created University Planning Office under the Office of the University President. 


B. Mandates of the Research and Publication Office


     Henceforth, the following expectations are set for RPO:


     1. RPO leads in enhancing the research culture of the institution by providing the necessary leadership to

         make research fully functional in the service of the scholarly pursuit of the University;

     2. Being the knowledge-creation arm of the University, the RPO is hereby mandated to design and implement

         the requisite policies, standards, and guidelines towards becoming a research university in the next five to

         ten years.


C. Creating the Research Centers 


     1. Research centers for major disciplines are hereby established to support fully the goals and objectives of the

          RPO. These Centers are as follows: 

          1.1 Liceo Mindanao Center for Biodiversity and Conservation;

          1.2 Center for Social Science Research; 

          1.3 Center for Health Research; and

          1.4 Center for Business and Governance Research.


     2. The Centers are, therefore, tasked to secure commissioned researches with support from external

          funding agencies. 


     3. The Centers in collaboration with the research coordinators of all academic programs are expected to

          lead in the production, training, and utilization of scientific research of faculty and students.


D. Major Thrust


     1. The training of faculty researchers shall be geared toward the deepening of their research acquisition of scientific              writing skills that will hasten the acceptance of their articles in international peer-reviewed journals within

          and outside the country. 


     2. Accordingly, international publications and citations shall sharply define the ranking criteria of the faculty in a                    research university. Support and incentives for faculty researchers shall be enhanced to generate

         higher research productivity.


     3. The university’s professional journals- the Asian Journal of Business and Governance, the Asian Journal of Health,             and the Liceo Journal of Higher Education – shall have in place enhanced quality assurance mechanisms

          to accelerate their indexing in Thomson Reuters, Elsevier, and other agencies, except for the Asian Journal

          of Biodiversity which is already indexed by Thomson Reuters.


     4. The use of technology-based quality assurance shall be sustained to raise the bar of scientific writing. Likewise,

          the discipline-specific online journals of the different colleges of the university shall cater to faculty and

          students not only from Liceo but also from the international community.


E. Quality Management Systems 


     1. On the whole, RPO develops quality management mechanisms to ensure nourishing contribution to

          the trifocal functions of the university through the utilization of publications in instruction and community



     2. To sustain this endeavor, the RPO shall adapt and maintain international certification of its

          Quality Management System through reputable International Certifying Agency/ies. 


F. Jurisdiction


     All sectors of the academic community are hereby enjoined to support the Research and Publication Office in the realization of its mandate. The university shall commit to support the programs and activities of the RPO.


G. Repealing Clause


     All University issuances inconsistent with this Order are hereby repealed/ and or revoked accordingly.


H. Effectivity


     This order shall take effect starting Academic Year 2009-2010. Issued on the 13th day of April, 2009. 





University President

Research and Publication Office

R.N. Pelaez Blvd., Kauswagan,

Cagayan de Oro City, PHI 9000

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