Liceo U holds series of Proposal and Final Paper Presentations
of Students’ Researches

To ensure the quality of the research proposals and outputs of the students, the Research Coordinators of the various colleges of the University coordinated with the Office of Vice President for Research, Publication, and Extension in the scheduling of their students’ proposal and final research presentations. The dean of the respective colleges served as Chairman of the Panel. The panel members were composed of an expert in the field and a representative from the OVPRPE. Dr. Lesley Casas Lubos, Vice President for Research, Publication, and Extension and Ms. Maria Elena C. Reyes, Associate Director of Research and Publication Office took turns in attending the paper presentations and provided feedbacks and comments to improve the contents of the students’ researches and to make sure that they followed the University prescribed format and guidelines. The research presentations were scheduled on the following dates:
College of Pharmacy - August 25-26, 2017
College of Business and Accountancy - September 27-28, 2016
- October 7, 2016
College of Nursing - October 3, 2016
College of Information Technology - October 8, 2016
- October 22, 2016
College of Criminology - October 11, 2106
College of Rehabilitation Sciences - October 17, 2016
College of Medical Laboratory Sciences - October 18-19, 2016
College of Radiologic Technology - October 20, 2016
- October 25, 2016
College of Arts and Sciences - October 21, 2016