Students of College of Rehabilitation Sciences and College of
Radiologic Technology join research capability building seminar

To develop the research skills of the students, the College of Rehabilitation Sciences and College of Radiologic Technology hold a capability building seminar for their research students in coordination with the Office of the Vice President for Research, Publication, and Extension on July 27, 2016 from 1:30-5pm at AVR 1. The RPO Associate Director, Ms. Maria Elena C. Reyes gave pointers on how to come up with a well written proposal and explained the research procedures and guidelines of the University. Mr. Bernard A. Guitierrez, RPO Data Analyst, discussed the available services offered by the RPO for the researchers and the processes to be observed in data gathering and analysis. Dr. Lesley Casas-Lubos, VPRPE, Dr. Denise Orong, CRS Dean, Mr. James Almajar, CRT Dean, Mr. Dick Herley Carskit, CRS Research Coordinator, and Mr. Ar-an Nanol, Research Instructor were also present in the activity.