Liceo U joins Basic Research Ethics Training

The participants of the Basic Research Ethics Training with Dr. Rosario Angeles Roa and Prof. Peter Sy (center) of the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB)

Ms. Maria Elena C. Reyes (RPO Assoc. Director) and Mrs. Marilou O. Honculada (Research and Community Extension Coordinator, College of Medical Laboratory Science) with Dr. Rosario Angeles Alora and Prof. Peter SY of the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB

The participants of the Basic Research Ethics Training with Dr. Rosario Angeles Roa and Prof. Peter Sy (center) of the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB)
In line with the celebration of the Regional Science and Technology Week Celebration, the Northern Mindanao Consortium for Health Research and Development (NorMinCOHRD) in coordination with DOST Region X, Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD), and Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) conducted a two-day training on Basic Research Ethics last September 20-21, 2017 at Mallberry Suites, Cagayan de Oro City. Through the Office of the Vice President for Research, Publication, and Extension, three representatives from Liceo de Cagayan University were sent to participate in the training, namely: Ms. Maria Elena C. Reyes (RPO Assoc. Director and Member of NorMinCOHRD Research Ethics Committee), Dr. Haydee Y. Sevilla (Assoc. Dean, College of Medicine and Member of the University Research Ethics Committee), and Mrs. Marilou O. Honculada (Research and Community Extension Coordinator, College of Medical Laboratory Science).
The purpose of the activity was to train the participants on the current protocol on health research using human participants and present the guidelines and procedure for the composition and accreditation of the institutional Research Ethics Committee. Liceo de Cagayan University is an active member of NorMinCOHRD.